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Sint Maarten

Regulation of the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications to determine the maximum wholesale price and maximum retail prices for petroleum products Regulation maximum prices petroleum products

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Gegevens van de regeling
OrganisatieSint Maarten
Officiële naam regelingRegulation of the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications to determine the maximum wholesale price and maximum retail prices for petroleum products Regulation maximum prices petroleum products
CiteertitelRegulation maximum prices petroleum products
Vastgesteld doorMinister van Toerisme_x002C_ Economische Zaken_x002C_ Verkeer en Telecommunicatie
Onderwerpfinanciën en economie
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Opmerkingen met betrekking tot de regeling

Deze regeling vervangt de Regulation maximum prices petroleum products van 14 april 2018.

Deze regeling is vervangen door de Regulation maximum prices petroleum products van 14 mei 2018.

Wettelijke grondslag(en) of bevoegdheid waarop de regeling is gebaseerd

article 2 Pricing Regulation

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Datum uitwerkingtreding


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Kenmerk voorstel

03-05-201815-05-2018nieuwe regeling


AB 2018, 17


Tekst van de regeling


Regulation of the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications from April 25th, 2018, to determine the maximum wholesale price and maximum retail prices for petroleum products (Regulation maximum prices petroleum products)



Having considered that it is desirable to determine the maximum permissible wholesale and retail prices for petroleum products;


In view of Article 2 of the Pricing Regulation;



Article 1  

This regulation understands under:

  • a.

    Sales: selling or offering for sale;

  • b.

    Retail Price: selling price to the consumer;

  • c.

    Wholesale price: selling price to retailers.

Article 2  

It is forbidden to sell petroleum products listed in the Annex, against a

higher wholesale price and retail price than the price indicated in the table


Article 3  

This regulation repeals the Regulation maximum prices petroleum products from April 14th 2018.

Article 4  

This Ministerial Regulation, given the urgent importance under Article 127, third and fourth paragraph, of the Constitution, shall go into effect on the first day following the date of issue of the official public bulletin in which it is placed.

Article 5  

This regulation shall be cited as: Regulation maximum prices petroleum products.

This regulation along with the elucidation will be placed on the official public bulletin board.

The twenty fifth of April, 2018

The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs,

Traffic and Telecommunications

Uitgegeven de tweede mei 2018

De minister van Algemene Zaken

Namens deze,

Hoofd Afdeling Juridische Zaken & Wetgeving

Appendix attached to the Ministerial Regulation from April 25th, 2018, regarding the execution of Article 2 of the Prices Regulation (Ministerial Regulations prices of petroleum products).


Types of petroleum products

Wholesale per liter (retailer price)


NAf 1.894


NAf 1.459


Types of petroleum products

Retail price per liter (consumer price)


NAf 2.141


NAf 1.665




In this Ministerial Regulation, the maximum wholesale and retail prices of petroleum products are established. The prices are listed in the Annex of this Regulation. Article 2 of the Pricing Regulation gives the Minister the authority to issue conditions pertaining to the prices of goods and services, when it is the opinion of the Minister that prices violate or threaten to violate the public interest.


Article specific

Article 1 governs the definitions. The wholesale price is the highest permissible price at which petroleum products can be sold from the wholesaler to the retailer. The retail price is the highest permissible price at which petroleum products can be sold from the retailer to the consumer. The effective date is the date in which the posted price was set by the international market.


Article 2 governs the most recent maximum price for petroleum products, as indicated in the table attached. Due to the fluctuations in international prices of petroleum products, the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication moves to adjust petroleum prices on St. Maarten to follow international tends.


The maximum wholesale and retail process of gasoline and diesel are to be adjusted to the prices indicated in the table below:



Article 4 governs the entry into force


Meeting its responsibility to facilitate St. Maarten’s sustainable socioeconomic development, the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication monitors and adjusts the prices of petroleum products on St. Maarten as petroleum products are crucial to living and doing business in the country. Petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) are all used, either directly or indirectly, by all residents for transportation, electricity production and food preparation. These activities are dependent on petroleum products that St. Maarten does not produce itself. As a non-petroleum producing country, St. Maarten is dependent upon petroleum imports from other countries, at prices dictated by market forces.


As end consumers have very little impact on the prices of petroleum products, the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication adjusts the prices of the gasoline, diesel and LPG to protect residents from unfair prices that could adversely affect the cost of living on St. Maarten. To fairly and transparently set petroleum prices the Ministry uses a ‘price build-up’, beginning with the specific posted market price per product and incorporating all costs and taxes associated with getting the product to the consumer. In so doing, the Ministry eliminates all possibilities of price gouging by sellers. Taking into consideration that market prices may fluctuate at any moment in time, the Ministry monitors prices daily and adjusts local prices accordingly. Any delay in price adjustments could mean unfair prices to consumers and suppliers, a situation that the Ministry wishes to avoid as it is detrimental to the socioeconomic wellbeing of residents.


The adjusting of petroleum prices is being done via this decree as the ever volatile nature of petroleum prices makes it essential that the Ministry actively responds to changes in global prices by making local adjustments to follow market trends without excessive delay. The Minister executes the authority to adjust petroleum prices as dictated by the market in an expedient manner as it is not in the best interest of the general public to delay adjustments. For this reason the Minister has decided that the prices shall go into effect on the first day following the date of issue of the official public bulletin in which it is placed.


As the previously mentioned petroleum products are needed by all, making them vital social products that can be exploited through unfair prices, the Ministry wishes to protect residents by ensuring fair retail prices that follow the most recent adjustments in market prices. Thus, the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication, via this decision sets the maximum price of gasoline at 2.141 and the maximum price of diesel at 1.665 effective 6:00am Monday 30th April 2018, and repeal all other established prices of April 14th, 2018.



The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications