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Island Ordinance Exotic Species of Flora and Fauna

Wetstechnische informatie

Gegevens van de regeling
OrganisatietypeCaribisch openbaar lichaam
Officiële naam regelingIsland Ordinance Exotic Species of Flora and Fauna
CiteertitelExotic Species Ordinance Saba
Vastgesteld doorEilandsraad
Eigen onderwerp

Opmerkingen met betrekking tot de regeling

Deze regeling is vastgesteld en in werking getreden vóór 10-10-2010, maar op grond van artikel 7 van de Invoeringswet openbare lichamen Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba en de Positieve lijst regelgeving Eilandsraad Saba (AB 2010, no. 6) tevens vastgesteld voor het openbaar lichaam Saba en derhalve met ingang van 10-10-2010 in het openbaar lichaam Saba van toepassing.

Deze eilandsverordening is vastgesteld door de eilandsraad van het eilandgebied Saba, maar op grond van artikel 7 van de Invoeringswet openbare lichamen Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba en de Positieve lijst regelgeving Eilandsraad Saba (AB 2010, nr. 6) tevens vastgesteld voor het openbaar lichaam Saba en derhalve ook in het openbaar lichaam Saba van toepassing.

Wettelijke grondslag(en) of bevoegdheid waarop de regeling is gebaseerd

Eilandsbesluit houdende algemene maatregelen inzake het vaststellen van het actuele regelingenbestand van het eilandgebied en toekomstig openbaar lichaam Saba voor zover het haar bevoegdheid betreft

Regelgeving die op deze regeling is gebaseerd (gedelegeerde regelgeving)


Overzicht van in de tekst verwerkte wijzigingen

Datum inwerkingtreding

Terugwerkende kracht tot en met

Datum uitwerkingtreding


Datum ondertekening

Bron bekendmaking

Kenmerk voorstel

10-10-2010Bestendiging eilandsregeling in het openbaar lichaam


A.B. 2010, no. 6


Tekst van de regeling


Island Ordinance Exotix Species of Flora and Fauna



1. Definitions

  • 1.

    Island Territory: the island territory of Saba in the Netherlands Antilles.

  • 2.

    Executive Council: the executive branch of government of the Island Territory.

  • 3.

    Exotic species: any species of flora and fauna not native to the Island Territory.

  • 4.

    Native species: all species of flora and fauna listed in annexes I-IV of the Biological Inventory of Saba by the Foundation CARMABI of 1997.

  • 5.

    Pets: animals that are tamed or domesticated and kept as a companion by humans.

  • 6.

    Import: the act of knowingly bringing exotic species of flora and fauna into the Island Territory.

  • 7.

    Introduction: the act of accidentally or deliberately releasing species of flora and fauna into the wild.

  • 8.

    CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna.


2. Scientific Advisory Committee

  • 1.

    There will be a scientific advisory committee, appointed by the Executive Council, consisting of one member of the Saba Conservation Foundation, one member of the Island Conservation Effort, and one member of the Foundation CARMABI.

  • 2.

    The Scientific Advisory Committee will advise the Executive Council on all permit applications for import of exotic species. The advice of the Committee is binding.


3. Regulations for the import and introduction of exotic species and pets

  • 1.

    Notwithstanding the provisions of CITES regulating the trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna, the following regulations will also apply in the Island Territory.

  • 2.

    Import of any exotic species without a written permit, issued by or on behalf of the Executive Council, is prohibited.

  • 3.

    Introduction of any exotic species and any pet is prohibited.

  • 4.

    Import of pets without a valid health certificate issued in the country of origin is prohibited.

  • 5.

    Import of pets that have been caught in the wild (non-captive bred) is prohibited.


4. Permitting

  • 1.

    A permit for the import of exotic species will only be issued if the Scientific Advisory Committee has given a positive advice.

  • 2.

    The Executive Council may attach conditions to a permit as mentioned in subsection 4.1.


5. Authorized enforcement officers

  • 1.

    Officers authorized to enforce the regulations of this ordinance are police officers; the head of the Agriculture Department and any other law enforcement officers as may be designated for this purpose by the Executive Council.

  • 2.

    Authorized officers have the power to remove illegally imported and introduced species, which form a threat to native flora or fauna.


6. Sanctions

  • 1.

    Violations of any of the prohibitions in this ordinance are considered misdemeanours and can be punished with a maximum fine of five thousand guilders or one-month imprisonment.

  • 2.

    The species of flora and fauna that are the object of a misdemeanour may be confiscated and deported to their country of origin.



This ordinance may be referred to as the Exotic Species Ordinance Saba.