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Sint Maarten

MINISTERIËLE REGELING ter uitvoering van artikel 4, eerste lid, van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening en de artikelen 5, tweede lid, en 8, eerste lid, van het Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart

Wetstechnische informatie

Gegevens van de regeling
OverheidsorganisatieSint Maarten
Officiële naam regelingMINISTERIËLE REGELING ter uitvoering van artikel 4, eerste lid, van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening en de artikelen 5, tweede lid, en 8, eerste lid, van het Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart
Vastgesteld doorMinister van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Verkeer en Telecommunicatie
Onderwerpruimtelijke ordening, verkeer en vervoer
Eigen onderwerp

Opmerkingen met betrekking tot de regeling

De oorspronkelijke regeling is ondertekend op 9 augustus 2006, gepubliceerd in P.B. 2006, no. 66, en in werking getreden op 26 augustus 2006.

Zie www.overheid.nl voor de historie van deze regeling vóór 10-10-10 via lokale regelingen en uitgebreid zoeken onder v.m. Nederlandse Antillen, met als zoekdatum 09-10-2010.

Wettelijke grondslag(en) of bevoegdheid waarop de regeling is gebaseerd

  1. Luchtvaartlandsverordening, artikel 4
  2. Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart, artikelen 5 en 8
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10-10-201009-01-2015Geconsolideerde tekst (GT)


AB 2013, GT no. 465


Tekst van de regeling


MINISTERIËLE REGELING ter uitvoering van artikel 4, eerste lid, van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening en de artikelen 5, tweede lid, en 8, eerste lid, van het Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart

Artikel 1

In deze regeling wordt verstaan onder:

draagschroefvliegtuig: een vliegtuig dat dynamisch in de lucht kan worden gehouden, voornamelijk ten gevolge van reactiekrachten op ronddraaiende vlakken;

gebruiker van een luchtvaartuig: een natuurlijk persoon of rechtspersoon die ofwel als eigenaar of houder van een luchtvaartuig dit te zijner beschikking heeft en dit onder zijn verantwoordelijkheid laat deelnemen aan het luchtverkeer.

Artikel 2

Het is verboden een luchtvaartuig, dat voor inschrijving in het Sint Maartens nationaliteitsregister in aanmerking komt, te bedienen, tenzij:

  • a.

    het luchtvaartuig is ingeschreven overeenkomstig het bepaalde in onderdeel a van paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A; en

  • b.

    een bewijs van inschrijving, als bedoeld in deze paragraaf, waarvan het model als bijlage B aan deze regeling is gevoegd, aan de aanvrager is afgegeven.

Artikel 3

Luchtvaartuigen die aan de vereisten, neergelegd in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A voldoen, komen in aanmerking voor inschrijving in het Sint Maartens nationaliteitsregister.

Artikel 4

Bij de aanvraag voor de inschrijving of overschrijving van een luchtvaartuig in het Sint Maartens nationaliteitsregister worden de gegevens, vermeld in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A, ingediend.

Artikel 5

Het is verboden een Sint Maartens luchtvaartuig te bedienen tenzij het luchtvaartuig voorzien is van nationaliteits- en inschrijvingskenmerken overeenkomstig de vereisten neergelegd in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A.

Artikel 6

De kenmerken worden op het luchtvaartuig aangebracht overeenkomstig het bepaalde in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A.

Artikel 7

De gebruiker van een luchtvaartuig zal, bij het voorzien van het luchtvaartuig met kenmerken, voldoen aan de vereisten omtrent de maat van de kenmerken neergelegd in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A.

Artikel 8

De gebruiker van een luchtvaartuig kan, met inachtneming van het bepaalde in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A, afwijken van de vereisten omtrent de maat, bedoeld in het vorige artikel en de kenmerken op het luchtvaartuig aanbrengen op de plaatsen vermeld in deze paragraaf.

Artikel 9

De gebruiker van een vleugelvliegtuig zal het vliegtuig met kenmerken voorzien op de plaatsen vermeld in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A.

Artikel 10

De gebruiker van een draagschroefvliegtuig zal kenmerken, op de plaatsen vermeld in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A, op het vliegtuig aanbrengen.

Artikel 11

Door de gebruiker van een luchtvaartuig, lichter dan lucht wordt het luchtvaartuig met kenmerken voorzien op de plaatsen vermeld in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A.

Artikel 12

De verkoop van Sint Maartense luchtvaartuigen vindt plaats overeenkomstig het bepaalde in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A.

Artikel 13

Luchtvaartuigen voeren een identificatieplaat mee die aan de vereisten, bedoeld in paragraaf van de bij deze regeling behorende bijlage A, voldoet.

Artikel 14


Artikel 15


Artikel 16

[regelt de inwerkingtreding]

Bijlage A behorende bij de MINISTERIËLE REGELING ter uitvoering van  artikel 4, eerste lid, van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening en de artikelen 5,  tweede lid, en 8, eerste lid, van het Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart


Sint Maarten



AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION AND MARKING -1 Applicability - 1 Definitions - 1 Acronyms - 1

3.2 REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS - 2 General - 2 Registration Eligibility - 2 Application - 2

3.3 NATIONALITY AND REGISTRATION MARKS - 4 Applicability - 4 General - 4 Display of Marks:  General - 4 Size of Marks - 5 Deviations for Size and Location of Marks - 5 Location of Marks on Fixed-wing Aircraft - 5 Location of Marks on Rotorcraft - 6 Location of Marks on Lighter-Than-Air Aircraft - 6 Sale of Aircraft:  Removal of Marks - 6 Identification Plate Required - 6  



Part 4 prescribes the requirements  for registration  and marking of Civil Aircraft under the provisions of the Civil Aviation Act published in the Official Gazette 2001 nr. 151 ("Luchtvaartlandsverordening"). DEFINITIONS

For the purpose of Part 4, the following definitions shall apply:

(1) Aeroplane:  a power-driven  heavier-than-air  aircraft,  deriving  its  lift  in  flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.

(2) Aircraft:   any machine  that  can  derive  support  in  the  atmosphere  from  the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.

(3) Airship: a power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft.

(4) Balloon: a non-power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft.

(5) Director: Director of Civil Aviation

(6) Fireproof material:  a material capable of withstanding heat as well as or better than steel when the dimensions in both cases are appropriate for the specific purpose.

(7) Glider:  a non-power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.

(8) Gyroplane: a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air on one or more rotors which rotate freely on substantially vertical axes.

(9) Heavier-than-air aircraft:  any aircraft deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic forces.

(10) Helicopter: a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on one or more power-driven rotors on substantially vertical axes.

(11) Holder: a person that has the right to use an aircraft not pursuant to an order he received during engagement.

(12) Lighter-than-air aircraft:  any aircraft supported chiefly by its buoyancy in the air.

(13) Minister: Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommuniction.

(14) Rotorcraft:  a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air on one or more rotors.

(15) State of Registry: the State on whose register the aircraft is entered. ACRONYMS

The following acronyms are used in Part 4:

(1) ADIZ - Air Defence Identification Zone

(2) DEWIZ - Distant Early Warning Identification Zone


(a)  No person may operate a civil aircraft that is eligible for registration under the laws of Sint Maarten unless it has been registered by its owner or holder under the provisions of the laws of Sint Maarten and the Minister has issued a Certificate of Aircraft Registration for that aircraft which shall be carried aboard that aircraft for all operations.

(b)  In case of an application for the registration or transference of an aircraft in the nationality  register  of  Sint Maarten,  the  required  information mentioned in the subpart shall be submitted. REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITY

An aircraft is eligible for registration if it complies with the requirements laid down in article 3 of the Government Decree on Civil Aviation Safety Oversight and is not registered under the laws of any foreign country. APPLICATION      

(a) Each application shall:

(1) show evidence identifying ownership of the aircraft; and

(2)  be signed in ink.

(b) If the aircraft is imported from abroad, the following information shall be submitted:

(1) evidence identifying ownership of the aircraft;

(2) evidence that NAf 900 has been paid;

(3) evidence that all customs requirements have been met and fulfilled;

(4) evidence, that the aircraft is not registered in a foreign country;

(5) a general description of the aircraft, including the number and type of engine(s) and propeller(s).

(c) If  the  applicant  is  a  natural  person  as  mentioned  in  article  3 paragraph  1  under  a  of  the  Government  Decree  on  Civil  Aviation  Safety Oversight ("Landsbesluit Toezicht Luchtvaart"): a recent  (less than 6 months) certified copy of an entry in the Register of Population shall be submitted.

(d) If the aircraft is owned by two or more natural persons, as mentioned in article 3 paragraph 1 under a of the Government Decree on Civil Aviation Safety Oversight, the following information shall be submitted:

(1) information  as mentioned  under paragraph  (c) of this  subpart shall  be submitted of each owner;

(2) a signed statement of the owners declaring  which one of them will be appointed as the contact.

(e)   If  the applicant is a legal person as mentioned in article 3 paragraph 1 under  b  of  the  Government Decree on Civil Aviation  Safety Oversight,  the following information shall be submitted:

(1) a recent (less than 6 months) certified  copy of an entry in the commercial register of the Chamber of Commerce;

(2) a certified copy of the articles of incorporation of the company.  

(f)   If the applicant is the holder of an aircraft, as indicated in article 3, paragraph 2        of the Government Decree on Civil Aviation Safety Oversight (Official Gazette        2003 nr. 56), of which the owner is a foreigner or a foreign legal person the        following information shall be submitted:

(1) a copy of the agreement between the owner and the holder;

(2) a signed statement between the owner and the holder, declaring that the holder,  pursuant  to  the  Government  Decree  on  Civil  Aviation  Safety Oversight,  is accepting all obligations of the owner;

(3) the holder (natural person) shall submit all information as mentioned under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this subpart;

(4) the  owner  (foreign  natural  person)  shall  submit  the  information  under paragraph (c) as mentioned in the Register of Population of his/her place of residence, the information under paragraph (d ) of this subpart and a proof of good conduct.

(5) the holder (legal person) shall submit all the information as mentioned under paragraph (e) of this subpart.

(6) the owner (foreign legal person) shall submit all the information mentioned under paragraph (e) under (1) as given by the Chamber of Commerce, (or equivalent entity) of his/her place of residence, the information mentioned in paragraph (e) under (2) of this subpart and a proof of good conduct/good standing of the shareholders mentioned in the stockholders register of the foreign legal person.

(7) a written request, stating reasons, to the Minister to admit registration;

(g) An application for transference of an aircraft in the nationality register of the Netherlands  Antilles,  shall  be  accompanied  by  a  signed  statement  by  the previous owner, declaring that the ownership of the aircraft has been transferred to applicant, mentioning the name, the residence and nationality of the applicant.

(h) With regard to the information concerning the applicant/holder of the aircraft that  shall  be  submitted  along  with  the  application  for  the  transfer  of registration, the provisions under paragraphs (a) up to and including (f) of this subpart are applicable.

(i) Evidence that NAf 900,- has been paid shall be submitted with the application for aircraft registration to the Administrator of the nationality register.

(j) Upo  meeting all requirements for registration, a Certificate of Aircraft Registration will be issued by the Minister of Traffic and Transport.


(a) This Subpart prescribes the requirements for the identification and marking of civil aircraft registered in Sint Maarten.

(b) The Provisions of this Part do not apply to meteorological pilot balloons used exclusively for meteorological purposes or to unmanned free balloons without a payload. GENERAL

(a) No person may operate a civil aircraft registered in Sint Maarten unless it displays nationality and registration marks in accordance with the requirements of this section. The letters used to identify the nationality of Sint Maarten  shall  conform  to  the  requirements  outlined  in  ICAO Annex 7.  The nationality mark consists of the letters "PJ". (1) This is to be followed by a series of three Roman capital letters assigned by the administrator of the nationality register;

(2) A series of three Arabic numerals is allocated to:

(i) Lighter–than-air aircraft among others airships, spherical balloons, non-spherical balloons and unmanned free balloons, and

(ii) Ultra light vehicles and gliders.

(b) This series of letters or numerals assigned to a particular aircraft shall not be changed/modified  as  long  as  this  aircraft  is  registered  in  the  Netherlands Antilles.

(c) Unless otherwise authorized  by the Minister,  no  person  may place on  any aircraft a design, mark, or symbol that modifies or confuses the nationality and registration marks.  The marks shall not be confused with the  International Five Letter Code of Signals or Distress Codes. The registration mark may not start with the letter "Q". Both aircraft registration marks are linked by a hyphen.

(d) Permanent marking of aircraft nationality and registration shall:

(1) be painted on the aircraft or affixed by other means insuring a similar degree of permanence;

(2) have no ornamentation;

(3) contrast in colour with the background; and (4) be legible. DISPLAY OF MARKS:  GENERAL

(a) Each owner shall display on that aircraft marks consisting of the Roman capital letters "PJ" denoting the nationality of Sint Maarten followed by the three Roman capital letters or series of three Arabic numerals assigned by the administrator of the nationality register.

(b) If, because of the aircraft configuration, it is not possible to mark the aircraft in accordance with this Part, the owner may apply to the Minister for a different procedure. SIZE OF MARKS

(a) Each operator of an aircraft shall display marks on the aircraft meeting the size requirements of this section.

(b) Height.  The character marks shall be of equal height and on:

(1) Fixed-wing aircraft must be at least 30 centimetres high;

(2) Rotorcraft must be at least 30 centimetres high;

(3) Lighter-than-air and powered-lift aircraft at least 50 centimetres high; and

(4) The height of the marks on the wings of heavier-than-air aircraft shall be at least 50 centimetres.

(c) Width.  Characters and hyphen must be two-thirds as wide as they are high, except the number "1", which must be one-sixth as wide as it is high, and the letters "M” and "W" which may be as wide as they are high.

(d) Thickness.  Characters shall be formed by solid lines one-sixth as thick as the character is high.

(e) Spacing. The space between each character and hyphen may not be less than one-fourth of the character width.

(f) Uniformity.  The marks required by this Part for fixed-wing aircraft must have the same height, width, thickness, and spacing on both sides of the aircraft.

(g) Each operator of an aircraft penetrating an ADIZ or DEWIZ shall display on that aircraft temporary or permanent nationality and registration marks at least 30 centimetres high. DEVIATIONS FOR SIZE AND LOCATION OF MARKS

(a) If either one of the surfaces authorized for displaying required marks is large enough for display of marks meeting the size requirements of this section and the other is not, the operator shall place full-size marks on the larger surface.

(b) If neither surface is large enough for full-size marks, the Minister may approve marks as large as practicable for display on the larger of the two surfaces. LOCATION OF MARKS ON FIXED-WING AIRCRAFT

(a) The operator of a fixed-wing aircraft shall display the required marks on either the vertical tail surfaces or the sides of the fuselage.

(b) The marks required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be displayed as follows:

(1) If displayed on the vertical tail surfaces, horizontally on both surfaces of a single vertical tail or on the outer surfaces of a multi-vertical tail.

(2) If displayed on the fuselage surfaces, horizontally on both sides of the fuselage between the trailing edge of the wing and the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer. 

(3) If engine pods or other appurtenances are located in the area described in paragraph (b)(2) and form an integral part of the aircraft, the operator may place the marks on those pods or appurtenances.

(4) On the lower surface of the left wing or on the whole lower surface of the wing, on the upper surface of the right wing or the whole upper surface of the wing. If possible, the marks will be placed on equal distance from theleading edge and the trailing edge of the wing. The top of the letters will point towards the leading edge of the wing. LOCATION OF MARKS ON ROTORCRAFT Each operator of a rotorcraft shall display marks horizontally on both surfaces of the cabin, fuselage, boom, or tail, such that the rotorcraft can be identified easily. LOCATION OF MARKS ON LIGHTER-THAN-AIR AIRCRAFT

(a) Airships.  The operator shall place marks on an airship to appear on:

(1) The hull, located lengthwise on each side of the hull and on its upper surface on the line of symmetry; or

(2) The horizontal and vertical stabilizer surfaces:

(i) For the horizontal stabilizer, located on the right half of the upper surface and on the left half of the lower surface, with the tops of the letters and numbers toward the leading edge; and

(ii) For the vertical stabilizer, located on each side of the bottom half stabilizer, with the letters and numbers placed horizontally

(iii) The marks mentioned in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subpart are visible from both sides as well as from the ground.

(b) Spherical balloons (other than unmanned free balloons).  The operator shall apply marks to appear in two places diametrically opposite each other and located near the maximum horizontal circumference of the balloon.

(c) Non-spherical balloons (other than unmanned free balloons).  The operator shall apply marks to appear on each side, located near the maximum crosssection of the balloon immediately above either the rigging band or the points of attachment of the basket suspension cables.

(d) Lighter-than-air aircraft (other than unmanned free balloons).  The operator shall apply side marks to be visible both from the sides and from the ground.

(e) Unmanned free balloons.  The operator shall apply marks to appear on the identification plate. SALE OF AIRCRAFT:  REMOVAL OF MARKS When an aircraft is removed from Sint Maarten nationality register, to be delivered to a new owner outside Sint Maarten, the holder shall remove all nationality and registration marks from the aircraft and return the Certificate of Registration,  Certificate  of  Airworthiness,  Noise Certificate/Noise  Statement  and Radio License  to the Director. IDENTIFICATION PLATE REQUIRED The operator shall affix to each aircraft registered under the laws of Sint Maarten an identification plate:

(1) Containing the aircraft type, model, serial number, marks of nationality, and license;

(2) Made of fireproof metal or other fireproof material of suitable physical properties;

(3) Secured to the aircraft in a prominent position, near the main entrance, or, in the case of a free balloon, affixed conspicuously to the exterior of the payload.

Bijlage B behorende bij de MINISTERIËLE REGELING ter uitvoering van artikel 4, eerste lid, van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening en de artikelen 5, tweede lid en 8, eerste lid van het Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart

Dit certificaat moet altijd aan boord zijn van het luchtvaartuig.

This certificate shall be carried in the aircraft at all times

Sint Maarten

DIRECTIE LUCHTVAART (Directorate of Civil Aviation)

Ministerie van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Verkeer en Telecommunicatie

(Ministry for Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication)

BEWIJS VAN INSCHRIJVING (Certificate of Registration) No.:          1. Nationaliteits- en Inschrijvings-     kenmerk:     (Nationality- and Registration mark)     P J – 2. Fabrikant:      (Manufactu rer)      Fabrieksaanduiding Luchtvaartuig:                  (Manufacturer’s     Designation of aircraft) 3. Fabrieksnummer:     (Aircraft serial No.) 4. Naam van de eigenaar:     (Name of the owner) 5. Adres van de eigenaar:     (Address of owner) 6. Hierbij wordt verklaard dat het hierboven omschreven luchtvaartuig is ingeschreven in het Sint Maartens nationaliteitsregister met inachtneming van het op 7 december 1944 te Chicago gesloten Verdrag inzake de Internationale burgerluchtvaart en krachtens de Luchtvaartlandsverordening gegeven voorschriften opgenomen in het Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart en de Ministeriële Regeling ter uitvoering van artikel 4, eerste lid, van de Luchtvaartlandsverordening en de artikelen 5, tweede lid en 8, eerste lid van het Landsbesluit toezicht luchtvaart It is hereby certified that above aircraft has been entered on the nationality register of Sint Maarten with due observance of the Convention on International Civil Aviation dated December 7 th, 1944 and in accordance with the regulation in virtue of the Civil Aviation Act of Sint Maarten, published in the Government Decree on Civil Aviation Safety Oversight and the Ministerial Decree in virtue of article 4, paragraph 1 of the Civil Aviation Act and articles 5, paragraph 2 and 8, paragraph 1 of the Government Decree on Civil Aviation Safety Oversight.